We issue the EU Digital COVID Certificate (valid in the EU and to board on a cruise) or Report in English (for travel to non-EU countries)
Antigen Rapid Test
We offer the antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 at the price of 12€* (or 10€* for online payment) in a separate structure, located just outside our pharmacy, in compliance with all safety measures for the protection of our customers and our staff.
We issue the EU Digital COVID Certificate (valid in the EU) or Report in English (for travel to non-EU countries).
Are you trying to book a test but there are no free slots left? You can come to the pharmacy, we will try to register you and get you tested as soon as possible, still giving priority to patients who made a reservation!
The antigen test is a rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 based on the research for the antigens viruses, showing a viral infection is present.
The test takes place in an especially designed structure, just outside the pharmacy (on via Scipioni), built to protect both the employee executing the test and the customer. It is a completely safe procedure, that obtained the DPI certificate (certificate of individual protection), just as FFP2 and FFP3 masks, etc.
The kit we use to perform the tests are of the highest quality and have a high accuracy rate of 98,56% for sensitivity, 99,03% for specificity and 98,84% for accuracy.
Results will be available in a short time (usually within 2 hours), or, in cases of urgent need, within 30 minutes.
We issue the EU Digital COVID Certificate (valid in the EU and to board on a cruise) or Report in English (for travel to non-EU countries).
Our pharmacy issues reports with QR code valid to visit Vatican Museums, to board on a cruise, etc
We issue reports in English valid for travelling to the UK, USA, Korea 대한민국, etc. You can also find us in the section 'Find a professional service abroad' of the UK Government website (GOV.UK), available at the following link: https://find-a-professional-service-abroad.service.csd.fcdo.gov.uk/find?serviceType=covidTestProviders.
Positive results from this test must be reconfirmed by a molecular test (PCR). In this case, the patient must be isolated until the result of PCR.
Our pharmacy is in the Prati neighborhood, on via Fabio Massimo, between via Cola di Rienzo and Viale Giulio Cesare, near subway line A (stops: Lepanto, Ottaviano) and near Vatican City.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 063242009 or by e-mail to [email protected]
Test Antigénique Rapide - Pass Sanitaire COVID-19
Nous proposons le test antigénique rapide pour le SARS-CoV-2 au prix de 15€, en respectant toutes les mesures de sécurité pour la protection de nos clients et de notre personnel.
Deux types de rapports sont disponibles: le Passe Sanitaire Européen (Certificat COVID numérique de l'UE, valid pour voyager dans l'UE et en Italie pour les restaurants, participer à des événements, aller dans des musées, etc.) ou un Rapport en anglais (pour voyager vers des pays hors UE).
Les résultats seront disponibles dans un court délai (généralement dans les 2 heures) ou, en cas d'urgence, dans les 30 minutes.
Le Pass Sanitaire Européen ou les rapports en anglais seront envoyés par e-mail.
Test de Antígenos Rápido - Certificado COVID
Nuestra farmacia realiza el test de antígenos rápido todos los días de la semana (incluidos los domingos) por un precio de 15€.
Ofrecemos la posibilidad de elegir informe con certificado COVID (para eventos o viajes a países en EU) o informe en inglés ( para países fuera de EU).
Los resultados estarán disponibles en unas horas o, en caso de emergencia, en 30 minutos.
Los test se realizan en un sitio dedicado exclusivo y extremadamente seguro fuera de la farmacia por un grupo de profesionales sanitarios especializados.
Antigentest für SARS-CoV-2 - EU Digital COVID Certificate
Wir bieten den Antigentest für SARS-CoV-2 zum Preis von 15€ an, unter Einhaltung aller Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz unserer Kunden und unseres Personals. Sie können zwischen zwei verschiedenen Arten von Berichten wählen: Wir stellen das digitale COVID-Zertifikat der EU aus (gültig für Reisen in der EU und auch für Restaurants, Veranstaltungen, Museen in Italien, usw.) oder einen Bericht in englischer Sprache (für Reisen in Nicht-EU-Länder).
Die Ergebnisse stehen in kurzer Zeit (normalerweise innerhalb 2 Stunden) zur Verfügung oder, in dringenden Fällen, innerhalb von 30 Minuten.
Das digitale COVID-Zertifikat der EU (EU Digital COVID Certificate) oder der Bericht in englischer Sprache werden per E-Mail verschickt. Um sich dem Test zu unterziehen, ist die Buchung erforderlich.